Thai Tuna Stir Fry with Coconut Milk
1/2 an inch of fresh ginger
1/2 a star anis
1/4 tsp astofedia
2 birds eye chillies
1 clove of garlic
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tin of light coconut milk
250g fresh beansprouts
2 bok choi
2 kafir lime leaves
6 shitake mushrooms
6 button mushrooms
chopped coriander
2 Fresh Tuna steaks
250g wild rice
Grind the ginger, star anis, half the chili, black pepper, astofedia and garlic in a mortar and pestle.
Add to a hot wok with a dash of groundnut oil heated until just short of smoking. Fry for a minute and the add the beansprouts.
Stir fry for 3 minutes and add the kafir lime leaves, add the two types of mushrooms (sliced). After a minute add the bok choi (chopped)and the rest of the chili.
Add the coconut milk and heat until boiling. Then add the tuna (cut into strips)for 3 minutes.
Add half the chopped coriander.
Serve on the wild rice and sprinkle with the rest of the corriander
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